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Abstract Submission

Scientific Program

Registration Accommodation


We invite you to attend the 1st Turkish Nations Medical Congress in Istanbul. We organized a very special scientific and social program for you with the collaboration of faculties from seven Turkish Nations. The congress will offer a series of diverse education in the applications of medicine and surgery. The program activities shall be led by experts and distinguished speakers from different leading institutions from Turkish World. Our prospective audience includes physicians and healthcare professionals. The aim of this meeting is to bring the scientist, physicians, and students from the Turkish World together, and establishment of strong bridges between the Turkish Countries in scientific and social manner. We presume to to start collaborations between Turkish nations in research and development. The meeting will also help us to synchronize the health systems in Turkish Nations by using electronic and digital medicine.

This event aims to provide participants working with the faculties maintaining cutting-edge knowledge and skills in their fields including gynecology, general surgery, internal medicine brain surgery, radiology, digital medicine, traumatology, oncology, ophtalmology, dentistry and other related disciplines. Abstracts are invited in oral and poster presentation formats. In this conference, we will have online submissions and online registrations, managed by a professional company. Please check the website for abstract submission details, including deadline for submissions. The congress will also include scientific exhibition, where some companies will display state-of-the-art products that have found clinical acceptance with particular relevance to the delivery of quality patient care. There will also be a number of social events and tours during and after the congress. Famous artists and groups from different Turkish countries will give us a unique folcloric musical feast during the opening ceremony and gala dinner.

The venue, city of Istanbul stands on a triangular peninsula between Europa and Asia as a bridge. Istanbul for more than 2,500 years has stood between conflicting surges of religion, culture, and imperial power. For most of those years it was one of the most desired cities in the world. This transcontinental metropolis is a fast-paced cultural melting pot you cannot afford to miss. Istanbul has it all over culture and traditions, amazing landmarks. There is no shortage of breathtaking views from the city. Yeditepe University, the host institution is offering a beautiful atmosphere within easy access to congress hotels around in walking distance. You can have a chance to visit many modern shopping centers around.

We wish you a pleasant stay in Istanbul.

Sincerely yours,

Prof. Dr. Erkut ATTAR
Yeditepe University
Faculty of Medicine
Prof. Dr. Elsevar ASADOV
Nakhchivan State University
Faculty of Medicine
Prof. Dr. Mushvig HASANOV
Azerbaijan University
Faculty of Medicine
Prof. Dr. Nargiza ANVAROVNA
Samarkand State
Medical University
Prof. Dr. Nodira RUZIEVA
Tashkent State Unıiveristy
Faculty of Medicine