Main Topics

Abstract Submission

Scientific Program

Registration Accommodation


Prof. Dr. Erkut ATTAR
Yeditepe University Faculty of Medicine

Prof. Dr. Elsevar ASADOV
Nakhchivan State University Faculty of Medicine

Prof. Dr. Mushvig HASANOV
Azerbaijan University Faculty of Medicine

Prof. Dr. Nargiza ANVAROVNA
Samarkand State Medical University

Prof. Dr. Nodira RUZIEVA
Tashkent State University Faculty of Medicine


Rector of Yeditepe University

Prof.Dr. Elbrus İSAYEV
Rector of Nakhchivan State University

Rector of Azerbaijan Medical University

Prof.Dr. Jasur RİZAEV
Rector of Samarkand State Medical University

Prof.Dr. Daminov BOTİR
Rector of Tashkent Institute of Pediatric Medicine

Prof.Dr. Tamer ŞANLIDAĞ
Rector of TRNC Near East University

Prof. Dr. Samigullina Alfiya Eldarovna
Rector of the Bishkek International Medical Institute

Prof.Dr. Shoranov Marat YEDİGEYEVİCH
Rector of Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University

Prof.Dr. Nargozal Altyevna MURATNAZAROVA
Rector of Turkmen State Medical University



Sina Ercan

Prof. Dr. Sina Ercan

Yeditepe University
Dean of the Faculty of Medicine

Fahrettin Keleştimur

Prof. Dr. Fahrettin Keleştemur

Yeditepe University
General Coordinator of Faculty of Medicine Hospitals

Erkut Attar

Erkut Attar

Yeditepe University
Head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Faculty of Medicine

Faruk Yencilek

Faruk Yencilek

Yeditepe University
Faculty of Medicine,
Koşuyolu Hospital Chief Physician

Aynur Eren Topkaya

Aynur Eren Topkaya

Yeditepe University
Faculty of Medicine,
Kozyatağı Hospital Chief Physician

Uğur Türe

Uğur Türe

Yeditepe University
Faculty of Medicine,
Head of the Department of Neurosurgery

Rukset Attar

Rukset Attar

Yeditepe University
Faculty of Medicine,
Koşuyolu Hospital Deputy Chief Physician

Olcay Özveren

Olcay Özveren

Yeditepe University
Faculty of Medicine,
Head of the Department of Cardiology

Fikrettin Şahin

Fikrettin Şahin

Yeditepe University
Engineering Faculty
Head of the Department of Genetics and Bioengineering

Aydın Sav

Aydın Sav

Yeditepe University
Head of the Department of Pathology,
Faculty of Medicine

Gazanfer Ekinci

Gazanfer Ekinci

Yeditepe University
Head of the Department of Radiology,
Faculty of Medicine

Ömer Faruk Bayrak

Ömer Faruk Bayrak

Yeditepe University
Head of the Department of Medical Genetics,
Faculty of Medicine

Elif Ecem Ünal

Elif Ecem Ünal

Yeditepe University


Rauf Beylerov

Prof. Dr. Rauf Beylerov

Azerbaijan Medical University,
Vice Rector for Scientific Studies

Prof. Dr. Cingiz Rahimov

Azerbaycan Tıp Üniversitesi
Üz-Çene Cerrahi̇si̇ Ana Bili̇m Dalı Başkanı

Mushvig Hasanov

Prof. Dr. Mushvig Hasanov

Azerbaijan Medical University,
Department of General Surgery

Lale Allahverdiyeva

Prof. Dr. Lale Allahverdiyeva

Azerbaijan Medical University,
Department of Allergy and Immunology

Nuru Bayramov

Prof. Dr. Nuru Bayramov

Azerbaijan Medical University,
Department of Surgical Diseases

Ramiz Polukhov

Prof.Dr. Ramiz Polukhov

Azerbaijan Medical University,
Department of Pediatric Surgery

Elçin Ağayev

Prof. Dr. Elçin Ağayev

Azerbaijan Medical University,
Department of General Surgery

Melahet Sultanova

Prof. Dr. Melahet Sultanova

Azerbaijan Medical University,
Department of Radiation Diagnosis and Therapy

Nadir Hüseynov

Prof. Dr. Nadir Hüseynov

Azerbaijan Medical University,
Department of Physiotherapy and Medical Rehabilitation


Elsevar ASADOV

Doc.Dr. Elsevar ASADOV

Nakhchivan State University



Nakhchivan State University
Dean of Medicine Faculty



Nakhchivan State University
Department of General Medicine and Clinical Sciences

Gultekin ALİYEVA

Doc.Dr. Gultekin ALİYEVA

Nakhchivan State University
Department of General Medicine and Clinical Sciences


Doc.Dr. Elmar RZAYEV

Nakhchivan State University
Department of General Medicine and Clinical Sciences


Doc.Dr. Mətləb İBRAHİMOV

Nakhchivan State University
Department of General Medicine and Clinical Sciences


Doc.Dr. Rauf JAFAROV

Nakhchivan State University

Tarverdiyev MƏHƏRRƏM

Doc.Dr.Tarverdiyev MƏHƏRRƏM

Nakhchivan State University
Department of General Medicine and Clinical Sciences


Doc.Dr. Yaşar RZAYEV

Nakhchivan State University
Department of General Medicine and Clinical Sciences


Kudaibergenova Indira Orozobaevna

Prof. Dr. Kudaibergenova Indira Orozobaevna

Rector of the Kyrgyz State
Medical Academy n. I.K.
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor

Askerov Arsen Askerovich

Prof. Dr. Askerov Arsen Askerovich

President of the Kyrgyz Association of Obstetrician-Gynecologists and Neonatologists.
Head of the Department of Clinical Disciplines, Bishkek International Medical Institute
Chief gynecologist of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic

Samigullina Alfiya Eldarovna

Prof. Dr. Samigullina Alfiya Eldarovna

Rector of Bishkek International
Medical Institute

Samigullina Alfiya Eldarovna

Prof. Dr. Mamytova Elmira

Vice-president of association Kyrgyz neurologists.
IK Akhunbaev Kyrgyz State Medical Academy.

Moldobaeva Mariia Satarovna

Prof. Dr. Moldobaeva Mariia Satarovna

Kyrgyz State Medical academy
President of Kyrgyz Association of endocrinologists and diabetologists

Tukeshov Sultan Konokbekovich

Prof. Dr. Tukeshov Sultan Konokbekovich

Md,Phd, Associated professor of Reconstructive and Plastic Surgery
Department of Kyrgyz State Medical Academy named after Akhunbaev. I.K
President of Kyrgyz Society for Plastic Surgery.
Chief plastic surgeon of MH Kyrgyz Republic.

Sulaimanov Shayirbek Alibaevich

Prof. Dr. Sulaimanov Shayirbek Alibaevich

Director of NCMCC, MD, Professor Chief freelance specialist pediatrician of the MOH of the Kyrgyz Republic
President of public association of pediatric doctor of the Kyrgyz Republic
Vice-President of the Federation of Pediatricians of the CIS


Yarmukhamedova Nargiza Anvarovna

Prof. Dr. Yarmukhamedova Nargiza Anvarovna

Samarkand State Medical University
Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs

Shavazi Nargiz Nuralievna

Prof. Dr. Shavazi Nargiz Nuralievna

Samarkand State Medical University
Head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Yusupov Mashrab Ismatillovich

Doç. Dr. Yusupov Mashrab Ismatillovich

Samarkand State Medical University
Head of the Department of Microbiology, Virology and Immunology

Aliev Mansur Abduholikovich

Doç. Dr. Aliev Mansur Abduholikovich

Samarkand State Medical University
Head of the Department of Neurosurgery

Kurbonov Nizom Azizovich

Doç. Dr. Kurbonov Nizom Azizovich

Samarkand State Medical University
Head of the Department of Surgery, Endoscopy and Anesthesiology-Reanimatology

Bozorova Nigina Sobirjonovna

Doç. Dr. Bozorova Nigina Sobirjonovna

Samarkand State Medical University
Head of the Department of Organization of Pharmaceutical Business

Klebleeva Guzal Davlyatovna

Doç. Dr. Klebleeva Guzal Davlyatovna

Samarkand State Medical University
Head of the Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases

Babamuradova Zarrina Bakhtiyarovna

Doç. Dr. Babamuradova Zarrina Bakhtiyarovna

Samarkand State Medical University
Head of the Department of Internal Diseases, Faculty of Pediatrics

Tilyakov Hasan Azizovich

Doç. Dr. Tilyakov Hasan Azizovich

Samarkand State Medical University
Head of the course of traumatology and orthopedics (ADEC)

Ochilov Ulugbek Usmanovich

Doç. Dr. Ochilov Ulugbek Usmanovich

Samarkand State Medical University
Head of the psychiatry course at the FPDO

Mansurov Jalolidin Shamsidinovich

Doç. Dr. Mansurov Jalolidin Shamsidinovich

Samarkand State Medical University
Head of the Department of Radiation Diagnostics and Therapy


Daminov Botir Turgunpulatovich

Prof. Dr. Daminov Botir Turgunpulatovich

MD, Professor of the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases,
Hospital and Faculty Therapy of the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute,
member of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan,
Rector of the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute

Saidkhodzhayeva Saida Nabievna

Prof. Dr. Saidkhodzhayeva Saida Nabievna

Head of the Department of International Relations of the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute,
Associate Professor of the Department of Neurology,
Pediatric Neurology and Medical Genetics, MD

Kurbanov Bahodir Bobirovich

Prof. Dr. Kurbanov Bahodir Bobirovich

Head of the Department of
Obstetrics and Gynecology,
Pediatric Gynecology, MD,
Associate Professor

Ruzieva Nodira Hakimovna

Prof. Dr. Ruzieva Nodira Hakimovna

Professor of Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,
Pediatric Gynecology, MD,

Prof. Dr. Abduvakhitova Asal Nabiyevna

Associate professor of the Department of internal disease,
nefrology and hemodialysis

Prof. Dr. Kayumova Dilrabo Talmasovna

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology MD,
Associate Professor TMA